Monday, June 29, 2009

ReFind Furniture ReUse Exhibition

On June 11th, 2009 The ReBuilding Center hosted the ReUse Exhibition, a creative reuse showcase, in celebration of its 11th birthday.

Our beautiful birthday cake-donated by Bakery Bar

The ReUse Exhibition was an opportunity for community members to showcase their reuse projects inside the ReFind Furniture showroom. The projects represented wonderful diversity, ranging from coat racks and mirrors to tables, chess sets, and chairs. They all shared in common a commitment to creativity and materials reuse by using 99% salvaged materials and low-voc finishes.

"Buttermilk Reflections" by Sharilyn Service.

We would like to extend our gratitude and appreciation to all of the folks who shared their reuse projects at the event. We would also like to send a very, very big thank you to all of the wonderful portland restaurants that donated food. We dined like Kings and Queens. Thank you : Bakery Bar, Porque No?, Laughing Planet, Fire on the Mountain, Pizza A Go Go, Grand Central Bakery, and Cupcake Jones!

Check out the slide show below to see pictures from this event, or visit us on Flickr!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Food Sharing Workshop

On Saturday, May 9th, Community Outreach of Our United Villages hosted a free Food Sharing workshop. 50 people attended the workshop and spent the day engaged in their choice of one service or skill building project. As a group, everyone reconvened to share lunch and reflections. Each project group reported back on insights gained, skills learned, and their most inspiring moments from the day. Below is a video of the day compiled by a volunteer videographer, Doug Adler. For more information and resources that were handed out at the workshop visit